Wednesday 23 May 2012

Portfolio task 6

A single global currency?

Some people believe that trade and travel would be easier with a single, global currency. It may seem a superficially attractive idea but on closer examination it seems extremely naïve.
First, what are the attractions? Well, obviously travelers would not have to queue to exchange their own currency for that of the country they are travelling to. In addition, international trading would be easier, more stable and more predictable, which would be attractive, in many ways, to the world’s stock exchanges. Many countries find it harder to export when their own currency is much stronger than thecurrencies of those nations they wish to export to. Finally, of course, there
is the view that a single currency would promote international harmony and
How real are these touted gains? Travel would certainly be easier without doubt but how much easier? We can at present take $US to almost any country in the world. International trade might be simplified but there would also be many drawbacks. If a country is in economic
difficulties, one way out is to alter its exchange rates; this would not be possible with a single currency. Above all, the idea that rich and poor countries can share the same currency is basically impractical. We need only to look at the present (2011-12) euro crisis to see that even the relatively affluent countries of the eurozone are struggling to share the same currency.
Overall, the idea of a single global currency seems driven by the same utopian vision of world harmony that inspired the creation of a so-called international language, Esperanto, about a century ago. That didn’t work. Neither would a single global currency.
275 words

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Portfolio task 5

Visitors to Australia

The line graph shows the number of visitors to Australia by overseas residents from 1975 to 2005. The table shows which countries these visitors came from.

The overall trend in the line graph is a steady increase from 8.8M in 1975 to just over 30M in 2005. There is no fluctuation. Where did all these visitors come from? Again there is no change in the overall pattern. Most visitors in 1975 came from Japan, 3.2M, and most in 2005 came from the same country, 12M, a three- to four-fold increase. There was a similar increase for the next country, South Korea, 2.9M to 9.1M. Europe, Britain, the USA and China were the next, respectively, in number of visitors in both 1975 and 2005. The biggest increase was European visitors, over four times as many and the smallest from China, under three times.

There was a steady increase in the number of overseas visitors to Australia in this 30-year period. The percentage increase from the 6 countries in the table was remarkably similar.

171 words.

Sunday 13 May 2012




The innovation which has transformed my professional life in recent years is the e-mail. At ADMC we faculty live and die by electronic mail. We send, every day, e-mails to people who are only a few desks away. In the past we would have gone to see these people in person or written hard copy notes to leave on their desks.

Electronic mail predates the inception of the Internet, and was in fact a crucial tool in creating the Internet. MIT first demonstrated the Compatible Time-Sharing System (CTSS) in 1961. It allowed multiple users to log into the IBM 7094 from remote dial-up terminals, and to store files online on disk. This new ability encouraged users to share information in new ways. E-mail started in 1965 as a way for multiple users of a time-sharing mainframe computer to communicate. Although the exact history is murky, among the first systems to have such a facility were SDC's Q32 and MIT's CTSS (

So e-mail has been around a long time but it is only in the last 10-15 years that it has played a part in my professional development.In fact, all aspects of life have been changed by e-mail. When I first went to Brunei (we landed in Bandar Seri Begawan, or BSB, the capital, on 1st January, 1980) there was no widely available worldwide web. No-one had a computer. E-mails were unheard of. There were no projectors in classrooms. There weren't even whiteboards or airconditioning units in classrooms. I used chalk on a blackboard. And this was in the Pusat Tingkatan Enam (Sixth Form Centre), at that time the leading academic institution in the whole country. We didn't even have air-conditioning in our staff room, and papers had to be weighted down on desks to prevent them being blown away by the fans.

The contrast with the situation here today in ADMC is striking. Technology is king. Every classroom has a/c, projectors, smartboards, whiteboards
( I can communicate with all my students by e-mail; getting them to check and read their e-mails is a different matter.

E-mails have transformed not just my professional life but all aspects of life in general. Increasingly people in their everyday lives, as well as their professional ones, are switching from old-fashioned letter writing to e-mail. It would appear to be an inexorable progression from hard to soft copy. When, in 1986, I was studying for my Licentiate Diploma in TESOL with Trinity College,
London, (, I received work modules by airmail, and returned the completed work likewise. It would take weeks for work to arrive, be completed, returned to London, get marked and sent back. The same tasks could be completed today by e-mail in a fraction of the time. The world has been transformed by electronic mail.

503 words


"E-mail." Web. 15 Nov. 2009.

"E-learning." Web. 15 Nov. 2009.

Sunday 15 April 2012

Portfolio task 4

Should children be raised to co-operate or to compete?

Should children be raised to compete or to co-operate? This is a universal conundrum and not one that is easy to answer. I think there are compelling reasons to support both sides of the argument.

In favour of raising children to be competitive is the fact that it is a natural human trait to want to achieve well both at school and at work and an obvious way to do this is to test oneself against one’s peers. If children and adults didn’t strive to better themselves and to achieve difficult goals there would be no human progress. This is true not only in areas such as scientific and medical advances, which bring important life-saving and life-enhancing benefits, but also in activities auch as sport,where the desire to compete against others is both natural and healthy.

On the other hand, it is equally important that children learn the virtues of co-operation and helpfulness towards others. Of course, it is a competitive world and we all need to survive, but equally we all need help at some point(s) in our lives, some more than others. It is important that children learn to be sympathetic and tolerant towards others who might not be as fortunate as themseves. Helping others, moreover, makes us feel better as human beings and raises our self-esteem. More practically, there is a need to work with others , not only at school,but also in the workplace. My students, for example, might often work in groups here at college and mutual co-operation is vital; similarly, as a teacher, I work in a team, and being able to do so effectively is an important professional requirement in most workplaces.

In an ideal world, therefore, we should raise our children to be aware of the importance of achieving a balance between being competitive and co-operative; both are vital in our lives.

286 words

Monday 19 March 2012

Portfolio task 3

A balanced diet is the key to a healthy life.

There is a lot of truth in this statement. Eating too much food of a certain type can lead to obesity which can be life-threatening. There are, however, other factors which contribute to a healthy life.

First, let us look at why a balanced diet is so important. Too much food that is high in fat or sugar content can lead to obesity which can be hazardous to health. On the other hand, avoiding entirely food which is often associated with high fat content, such as red meat, will deprive us of important ingredients, for example iron, which are essential for a healthy life. Salt is a good example: we need salt but not to excess. The answer is to find the right balance.

A balanced diet is thus vital. But there are other factors which lead to healthy living. Regular exercise, for example, contributes hugely to physical and mental well-being. A clean and healthy environment also adds to the quality of life, as does mental stimulation. A balanced diet is important but is not everything, and there is a danger in becoming a slave to food fads.

Recent research in the UK suggested that eating red meat increases the chances of developing certain cancers; but, in moderation, most doctors would say red meat should be part of a balanced diet. Two front-page headlines in US magazine Time in the 1980s are instructive. One labelled salt as the great killer; another, some time later, said salt was a vital ingredient of a balanced diet. Neither headline was wrong. The trick is finding the right balance. Other factors mentioned above, such as regular exercise, also contribute to a healthy life.

289 words

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Portfolio task 2

The first chart shows what motivates students of different age groups to study. The second chart shows the support they receive from employers, in terms of time off and help with fees. Both charts refer to the UK.

The main reason younger students study is to improve their career prospects. For those under 26, the percentage is 80, for those aged 26-29, 70%, and for those in their 30s, just under 60%. For those in their 40s, an equal number study for interest as for career, 40%. Over the age of 49 career factors motivate less than 20%, while 70% study for interest. Students under 26 receive most employer support, over 60%. The lowest support is for those in their 30s, just over 30%. Employer support rises to nearly 40% for those in their 40s and over 40% for those over 49.

The youngest age group studies overwhelmingly for career reasons and this group also receives the most employer support.

160 words

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Portfolio task 1

This table gives information about the sales of a small, downtown restaurant in an American business district, in a particular week in October.

For lunch sales, Monday to Friday, working days, the figures are very consistent, varying from $2,375 on Thursday to $2,595 on Wednesday, the busiest day. Lunchtime sales on Saturday were lower, at $1,950, as this is a weekend when many businesses are closed. For dinner, sales were similar for Monday to Thursday evenings, between $3,500 and $4,000, but there was a marked increase on Friday night, $4,350, probably due to people celebrating the start of the weekend. On Saturday evening, takings dropped to $2,950, perhaps because most regular customers work in the business district.

Lunch sales were highest on Wednesday and lowest on Saturday. Dinner sales were highest on Friday evening and, again, lowest on Saturday night. The restaurant was closed on Sunday, which is the quieter day of the American weekend.

155 words