Tuesday 6 March 2012

Portfolio task 2

The first chart shows what motivates students of different age groups to study. The second chart shows the support they receive from employers, in terms of time off and help with fees. Both charts refer to the UK.

The main reason younger students study is to improve their career prospects. For those under 26, the percentage is 80, for those aged 26-29, 70%, and for those in their 30s, just under 60%. For those in their 40s, an equal number study for interest as for career, 40%. Over the age of 49 career factors motivate less than 20%, while 70% study for interest. Students under 26 receive most employer support, over 60%. The lowest support is for those in their 30s, just over 30%. Employer support rises to nearly 40% for those in their 40s and over 40% for those over 49.

The youngest age group studies overwhelmingly for career reasons and this group also receives the most employer support.

160 words

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